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Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

Hearing the words "You have prostate cancer" can be scary and overwhelming. ZERO is here to help you navigate your prostate cancer diagnosis and find a path forward. You are not alone.

Young distressed black man

Understand your diagnosis

Understand your prostate cancer diagnosis

White female doctor reviewing patient's file with a male patient

Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal cells form in the prostate. In most cases, it grows slowly so you have time to gather information and make a plan.

Evaluate your treatment options

Evaluate your treatment options

A man sitting next to his doctor looking at a clipboard

Prostate cancer is a treatable disease, though not all cases require immediate treatment. Staging will help decide which treatment options may be right for you.

Learn about side effects

Learn about side effects

A Black man sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands together

Sometimes, the treatments for prostate cancer can cause short- and long-term side effects. It’s helpful to know what to expect so you can manage your side effects.

Get help and support

Get help and support

African American and white man in yellow t-shirts volunteering at a ZERO Prostate Cancer event

A prostate cancer diagnosis can be an emotionally challenging time. It helps to know that resources, support, and information are always available.

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Don’t panic. Do your research. Seek out support—whether that might be with a support group or with your family or friend—continue to do your research, as the disease doesn’t affect all men the same way.

— Johnny Payne, Prostate Cancer Survivor
Image of an African American man, Johnny Payne

More prostate cancer resources

Looking for more helpful information about prostate cancer? You can find additional resources on our website to guide your discussions with your loved ones and your healthcare team.

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I was alone in my doctor’s office when I first heard the words, ‘You have prostate cancer.’ I felt scared and confused. My life as I knew it was about to change.

— Rallie Settles, Prostate Cancer Patient
Rallie Settles_Prostate Cancer Survivor