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ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer

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Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is Almost Here - Become a ZERO Champion Today!

Prostate Cancer Warrior Champion

The countdown to Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (PCAM) has officially started! Next month is YOUR month. With your help, we'll support more men understand their risk for the disease, while providing critical support to the men who already have been diagnosed. This year, it is estimated that 34,130 men in America will die from prostate cancer. Without a doubt, you are needed in the fight to end prostate cancer.

Through the end of September, every day is an opportunity to raise awareness and make a difference. There is no better time to step up in September and become a ZERO Champion! Champions have all been touched by this disease and they don't want anyone else to suffer. They find strength, support, and inspiration from each other to accomplish amazing feats in their local communities and across the country. Learn more how you can serve in this leadership role for your community.

Become a ZERO Champion

Veterans and Prostate Cancer Survey

Veterans Prostate Cancer Survey

Veterans have an incidence rate for prostate cancer that is twice that of the general population. ZERO is committed to bringing the Veterans community the resources, tools, and education needed to fight and detect prostate cancer even in its earliest stages. Your feedback is critical to help us provide the most impactful programs to improve the lives of men and families. ZERO will use this information to help make decisions on how to best meet the education and awareness needs of Veterans who are at risk or have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

If you are serving or have served in the armed forces, we need you to participate in our Veterans and Prostate Cancer Survey. Thank you for sharing your insight and experience with us and please feel free to share with other Veterans in your community. The survey is open to all Veterans, whether or not they have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Take the Survey

Join Your Community to ZERO Out Prostate Cancer

Run/Walks are Back

ZERO's Run/Walk Series has officially begun! We launched the 2021 Run/Walk Series on August 7 in Omaha, Nebraska and it was amazing to be side by side and back in person with our inspiring community. Join us throughout September to meet other passionate people who are fighting together to end prostate cancer. With your help, our Run/Walk series will ZERO out this disease and provide much-needed direct support to local patients and families.

Check out an event near you and you can always join one of our events virtually!

August 21

August 28

September 11

September 18

September 19

September 24

September 25

September 26

Join and Fundraise Today

New Bill to Establish a National Clinical Pathway for Veterans and Prostate Cancer

Veteran's Prostate Cancer Treatment and Research Act

Exciting news! The Veteran's Prostate Cancer Treatment and Research Act (H.R. 4880) was reintroduced on the House floor by Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. (R-FL-3) and Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-8). ZERO is proud to be an ongoing supporter of this bipartisan bill and its provisions to establish a national clinical pathway for prostate cancer within the Veterans Health Administration.

This standardized system of care would enhance treatment and increase access to the highest quality care for the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the Veterans Health Administration. No such clinical pathway currently exists for prostate cancer. Veterans face prostate cancer at rates nearly two times higher than civilians. Please take two minutes to encourage your representative to show their support for Veterans with prostate cancer.

Urge Your Congressperson

New Study: Inherited Genetic Factors' Impact on Prostate Cancer Risk and Treatment

We know that prostate cancer may be written in some men's genes, but so are instructions for discovering new treatments and understanding family risk. If we want to better understand prostate cancer, we have to better understand genes. That's why the genetic information of prostate cancer patients is so important.

The PROMISE study seeks to learn more about the roles genes can play in improving outcomes and/or for prostate cancer patients. This study helps Dr. Channing Paller and Dr. Heather Cheng to better understand how prostate cancer care can be tailored precisely based on a patient's unique genetic profile. PROMISE is completely free. Patients continue with their current provider and don't need to leave home to participate. Read this blog post to learn more about the PROMISE study.

Read the Blog

(This content is provided in partnership with PROMISE Study.)

Increase Your Impact

Become a Monthly Donor

With prostate cancer cases on the rise this year, more patients and families than ever need your help. By giving just a few dollars a month, you could help a patient get access to direct assistance, care, support, community, and resources that can make a life-changing difference.

As a member of this inspiring community, you'll receive special benefits and regular updates about how your support is improving lives. No donation is too small, every dollar you give will show a prostate cancer patient they are not alone. Become a monthly donor today by clicking “monthly” on the donate form below! Thank you for your passion and generosity.

Help a Man Every Month

Genetic Testing

Myriad Genetics

30 Genetic Answers in 30 Days

Early detection offers the greatest chance of living cancer-free or having reduced treatment. ZERO has partnered with Myriad Genetics to help at least 30 people get genetic testing in 30 days. Join ZERO's VP of Patient Programs, Shelby Moneer, with genetic counselor Rob Finch on August 24th at 4:30 PM ET for a great Q&A session. » Follow Us On Facebook to Find Out More (This content is provided in partnership with Myriad Genetics.)

Champions Corner


Wine Tasting to ZERO Out Prostate Cancer

As a trained Sommelier, Chris is designing his fundraiser around wine tasting and conversation alongside an auction. Guests pay an entry fee to attend and have a chance to bid on items such as Reds memorabilia, high end wine and more! His event will take place during PCAM in the Cincinnati, OH area. He has a goal to raise $5K with a stretch of $8-10K. » Apply to be a Champion Like Chris

Clinical Trials

patient photo

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are a great way for prostate cancer patients to help in the fight against cancer. Our partners at Bristol Myers Squibb are currently enrolling advanced prostate cancer patients in clinical trial studies now. » Sign up today (This content is provided in partnership with Bristol Myers Squibb.)

Grow & Give

Grow and Give

Grow & Give Sign Ups are Open

The hairiest time of the year is almost here! Join in on the facial hair growing dun. Raise funds and awareness to end prostate cancer through Grow & Give with ZERO this November! » Register Here

Clinical Trials

Patient image

Prostate Cancer Research Study

The TALAPRO-2 clinical trial is enrolling men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer to study a potential treatment. More information is available. » Learn more (This content is provided in partnership with Pfizer Oncology.)

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© 2024 ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer. All rights reserved. ZERO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.