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ZEROHour Newsletter: August 2018


YOU Can Make a Difference:

Say #CountMeIn in September 

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Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (PCAM) is almost here and it is all about YOU. With your help, we are making prostate cancer a national priority. Tell who you're fighting for and raise awareness on social media and beyond. It's easy: Visit the website, print off the sign, take a picture, and then share it—with ZERO, the web, and everyone you know on social media! Use the hashtag #CountMeIn or email it to us and we'll send you a brand new ZERO bracelet for free!

Because of you, more men will know about their risk and talk to their doctor about testing. More patients and families will know they are not alone.

Do it today! #CountMeIn #PCAM18





Five Ways to Get Involved During #PCAM18 

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Champions Bring the Message Home

From Florida to Texas and beyond, ZERO advocates are meeting with their elected officials this month to let them know how important prostate cancer research funding at the Department of Defense is to patients and families nationwide. This critical research, which has resulted in three new treatments and a new diagnostic tool, is essential in filling the pipeline with cutting edge treatment options and one day, a cure. A fantastic job to our champions who are working hard year-round in their local communities! 

            ennifer Rojo Suarez in Sen. Bill Nelson's office. florida.jp IMG_3526.png

Want to join them? Become and advocate and make your voice heard.





22 Run/Walks in 36 Days:

Which One Are You Attending?

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Over the next two months, the ZERO Run/Walk will be in 22 cities. With your help, our Run/Walk series raises $3,000,000 annually to help end the disease and provide impactful programs to support local patients. If you're not already signed up for a race, you should be! 

Check out an event near you: 

A few of those cities will also feature a special treat: a performance by ZERO spokesman Jimmy Charles! 



Are You a Social (Media) Butterfly?

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Our Social Media Ambassadors are a group of advocates, Champions, and friends of ZERO who help spread the word about prostate cancer awareness and our programs and activities on social media.

Email amanda@zerocancer.org to join our team or nominate a friend!



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Our Journey to Los Padres

Joni and Johnny Reyna started Los Padres Prostate Cancer Foundation, a ZERO Run/Walk grant recipient, to honor their loved ones who've battled cancer and to help the men in their community fighting prostate cancer.

Read their story.





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Dedicate Your Birthday to Fighting Prostate Cancer

By now we're sure you know that you can dedicate your birthday to ending prostate cancer with a Facebook fundraiser. But did you know that you can also encourage friends and family to give by pledging to match donations?

Double your impact today.




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Anglers for the Cure

ZERO Champion Adriana Somberg lost her husband Reed to prostate cancer when he was only 59. Now, she "considers her mission to spread awareness and advocacy about prostate cancer 'my full-time job.'"

In February she came to DC to tell her elected officials why prostate cancer research funding is so important, and this month she'll host her annual "Anglers for the Cure" charity fishing tournament. She's on a roll raising awareness and nothing can stop her now!



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Your Community of Support

ZERO Connect is close to 700 members strong, and growing every day! Join a group of patients, survivors, family members, and loved ones to share stories, ask questions, and provide a community of support to others on their prostate cancer journey.

Join ZERO Connect.





With Support From:

Amgen Logo

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Alexandria, VA 22314

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