
Sponsorship Opportunities

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Take a stand and become a sponsor today. We need your support to help create Generation ZERO - the first generation free from prostate cancer. Sponsorships of the event help us keep our fundraising costs low and ensure that more money goes towards saving lives and keeping families together.

Contact: Caitlin Murphy, ZERO's Mid-Atlantic Chapter Director: | 202-313-2866.

Sponsorship Levels

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Credit Card Type:
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
What is this?

If you have questions or need assistance with making a donation, please contact Shawn Supers at or (202) 344-9058.

Looking for a friend’s ZERO Run/Walk, endurance, or DIY fundraising page?

Why Zero?

85¢ per dollar goes directly to programs
48,000+ men supported with financial assistance for treatment
135,000 men provided free testing
Steve Bleser

"Your generosity is proof that I'm not fighting prostate cancer all alone. Thank you for giving me and my family hope."

Steve Bleser,
Prostate Cancer Patient