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ZERO's CEO to Begin a New Journey

ZERO's CEO to Begin a New Journey

Jamie Bearse, CEO of ZERO, will begin a new journey in June 2023. Read his personal message reflecting on his 20-plus years of helping patients and families, and planning for the next generation of leadership at ZERO.

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Give 3x the Hope on Giving Tuesday

Give 3x the Hope on Giving Tuesday

When you support ZERO on Giving Tuesday this November 29, you will give hope to patients, survivors, caregivers, and families. Hope is a treatment breakthrough. Hope is not needing to worry about bills. Hope is having someone that will listen. Hope is access to the same healthcare as your neighbor. Hope is knowing there are options. For those living in despair, GIVE HOPE. Don't wait - you can support Giving Tuesday today and your gift will be triple-matched on November 29.

Give Hope

Grow & Give is Here

Grow & Give

Grow & Give has officially begun! Throughout the month of November, teams and participants across the country will be raising funds and awareness by growing facial hair and rocking boldly blue styles. The goal is to raise $300,000 to support prostate cancer patients and families. The top participating fundraisers are Michael Dunne, Warren Macey, and Paul Devlin. Top community teams are Hops & Handlebars, Shaker Road BROvember, and Wyandanch Cares. Let's cheer on all these great growers and givers as they raise funds to help those affected by prostate cancer. Interested in joining in on the fun? Click the link to sign up, donate directly to Grow & Give, view the leaderboard, and check out the teams and individuals vying for the top spot.

Join The Fun

Wrapping Up a Great Season of Events

Wrapping Up a Great Season of Events

November marks the conclusion of the 2022 ZERO Run/Walk season with three final events in South Jersey, Sacramento, and Greensboro. 46 Run/Walks took place across the country in 2022, raising more than $3.8 million and bringing together more than 10,000 participants.

This year's 2022 Tee-Off season was a success! ZERO hosted six Tee-Offs and two golf tournaments across the country. The series brought in a total of 400 participants and an astounding $133,828 in sponsorships and peer-to-peer donations.

Thanks to everyone who took part in these events and for supporting those affected by prostate cancer.

Celebrate Caregivers in November

Celebrate Caregivers in November

November is National Family Caregivers Month. This is a great opportunity to show appreciation to the important partners, loved ones, and family members who provide care and emotional support for those affected by prostate cancer. ZERO has a wide range of educational resources and support services designed to help caregivers. ZERO's Us TOO Support Group network has virtual groups specifically for caregivers. ZERO's caregiver page features the Conversations with Caregivers Town Hall and Being a Caregiver videos, tips on how to deal with diagnosis, questions for your doctor, information about prostate cancer, helpful links, and much more. Thank you to all caregivers for all that you do!

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Genetic Factors and Prostate Cancer

Genetic Factors and Prostate Cancer

We know that prostate cancer may be written in some men's genes, but so are instructions for discovering new treatments and understanding family risk. The PROMISE registry seeks to learn more about the role genes can play in improving outcomes and/or treatments for prostate cancer patients. PROMISE is completely free. Patients continue with their current provider and don't even need to leave home to participate. Click the link to learn more and register.

Learn More

(This content is provided in partnership with PROMISE)

Join a Webinar or Online Event

Join a Webinar or Online Event

December 7, 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Balancing Work and Caregiving
with Nicole Jarvis, LMSW,
Assistant Director of Programs, Cancer and Careers
Presented by Cancer and Careers

December 9, 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time
ARASENS Trial and New Treatment Options for mHSPC
Facebook Live
with Rich Andres, DO, MBA
Bayer Medical Director- Prostate Portfolio
Presented in Partnership with Bayer
Join on Facebook, December 9 at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time

In case you missed it, video is now available of the second annual Health Equity Symposium which took place on November 5.

Video is also available of the October 19 webinar, When to Consider Molecular Imaging Diagnostics for Prostate Cancer.

Find or post prostate cancer events on the prostate cancer calendar.


ZERO Summit

Be a Part of the
2023 ZERO Summit

Patients, partners, caregivers, supporters, researchers, and professionals will gather February 26-28 in Washington, D.C. for three days of education, support, and advocacy. Please register today to help make a difference for those affected by prostate cancer. If you want to take your involvement to the next level, consider attending the Summit as an advocate who will meet with legislators to promote prostate cancer research, education, and awareness. To participate, just indicate your interest in advocating in your registration. » Register today for the Summit.


Read ZERO's Blog Series

Read ZERO's Blog Series

New blogs are regularly posted to the ZERO blog webpage. Recent highlights include Dr. Mark Moyad's "No Bogus Science", Progress in Prostate Cancer Research, and Between the Sheets. » Visit the ZERO blog webpage.


Ask the Doctor

Ask the Doctor

The Ask the Doctor Series is a four-part educational literature and video series, in partnership with Pfizer Oncology, Dr. Arnold Bullock, Urologist and Professor of Surgery, and Dr. Lannis Hall, Director of Radiation Oncology, both of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. Click the link to view the four-part informational series on screenings, family history, decision making, and more. » Learn more.


Support Groups

Support Groups

ZERO's Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Groups meet regularly. Many of these groups meet virtually and can be accessed by phone or by internet from any location. Other groups meet in person or offer a hybrid of virtual/in-person meetings. » Find a support group.


Meet the Frietags

Meet the Frietags

Scott Frietag, a metastatic prostate cancer patient, set out on a mission to bring awareness to prostate cancer. Beginning in the spring, he will bike the exterior border of the United States, riding approximately 60 miles per day for one year to bring awareness to the disease that he continues to fight on a daily basis. His wife, Kathleen is an attorney in the State of Minnesota who is taking her work on the road as she follows behind Scott along the way. Their mission is simple: Go Get Tested. Welcome Scott and Kathleen to the Champion family! » Learn more about Scott.


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© 2024 ZERO Prostate Cancer. All rights reserved. ZERO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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