Together we will ZERO Out prostate cancer!

Let's Grow Together.

Grow & Give is ZERO's November nationwide fundraising and awareness campaign to zero out prostate cancer by growing facial hair or rocking a boldly blue style.

You can participate in Grow & Give in any way that excites you! Here are some ideas to get you started:

Grow Some Facial Hair: Drop your razor for the month and get hairy for prostate cancer
Rock A Boldly Blue Style: Add some blue to your look to stand for those at-risk in your life. Blue manicures, a blue ribbon pin, a blue streak in your hair - get creative! It all counts.
Grab a Drink: Did someone say happy hour? Support the men and families in your community by forming a team, hosting an event, donating a portion of sales or dedicating a special awareness raising drink to ZERO.
Grow Your Way: Raise awareness and funds in the way that excites you! Dedicate revenue from your company, turn an activity you and your friends or colleagues already like to do into a fundraiser, showcase a special talent, make a tribute to a loved one. It's all up to you!

The Hairy Truth of Prostate Cancer

diagnoses are expected in 2023
people are living with prostate cancer in the US
Black men
are 70% times more likely to be diagnosed than white men

Your Grow & Give Participation Supports:

Patient Support
ZERO's patient-centric programs directly help patients and their families financially and emotionally and provide education and access to free testing.
Together, we will end this disease. ZERO helps secure and protect the largest amount of federal dollars dedicated to prostate cancer research
ZERO is helping men and families understand their risk with a nationwide Run/Walk series in 50 cities, campaigns on social media, and by elevating the voices of patients and families to share their stories.


Hall Of Fame
Top 2024 Participants
  1. Blue Ribbon Hero Ronald Kim - $2,126.44
  2. $500 Raised Cindy Hughes - $511.19
  3. T-Shirt Earned Karla Hansen - $307.88
  4. T-Shirt Earned Nicole Morales - $254.77
  5. T-Shirt Earned Sylvia Schneiderman - $153.94
  6. T-Shirt Earned Steven Johnson - $136.58
  7. T-Shirt Earned Julie Kubiak - $134.64
  8. T-Shirt Earned John Myers - $131.04
  9. T-Shirt Earned Skye Johnson - $130.95
  10. T-Shirt Earned Charlotte Johnson - $130.95
  11. T-Shirt Earned Matt Bartlett - $126.22
  12. T-Shirt Earned Amanda Tribuzio - $111.29
  13. T-Shirt Earned John Pingel - $103.94
  14. T-Shirt Earned Samuel Mullins - $101.31
  15. T-Shirt Earned Chris Charlier - $100.00
Top 2023 Participants

No teams just yet, but look at those individuals, they're rocking it!

All 2024 Participants
  1. Blue Ribbon Hero Ronald Kim - $2,126.44
  2. $500 Raised Cindy Hughes - $511.19
  3. T-Shirt Earned Karla Hansen - $307.88
  4. T-Shirt Earned Nicole Morales - $254.77
  5. T-Shirt Earned Sylvia Schneiderman - $153.94
  6. T-Shirt Earned Steven Johnson - $136.58
  7. T-Shirt Earned Julie Kubiak - $134.64
  8. T-Shirt Earned John Myers - $131.04
  9. T-Shirt Earned Skye Johnson - $130.95
  10. T-Shirt Earned Charlotte Johnson - $130.95
  11. T-Shirt Earned Matt Bartlett - $126.22
  12. T-Shirt Earned Amanda Tribuzio - $111.29
  13. T-Shirt Earned John Pingel - $103.94
  14. T-Shirt Earned Samuel Mullins - $101.31
  15. T-Shirt Earned Chris Charlier - $100.00
  16. Tamara A McNab - $100.00
  17. T-Shirt Earned Ana Vega - $100.00
  18. T-Shirt Earned Chris Johnson - $100.00
  19. T-Shirt Earned David Johnson - $100.00
  20. T-Shirt Earned Christine Hillstrom - $100.00
  21. T-Shirt Earned Ray Santare - $100.00
  22. T-Shirt Earned Marc Nelson - $100.00
  23. T-Shirt Earned William Andre - $100.00
  24. T-Shirt Earned Sharon Mullins - $92.42
  25. T-Shirt Earned Emily Csengody - $77.12
  26. T-Shirt Earned Steve Wennmaker - $75.00
  27. T-Shirt Earned Megan Johnson - $60.00
  28. T-Shirt Earned Loretta Booth-Johnson - $53.00
  29. T-Shirt Earned Jennifer Johnson - $52.12
  30. T-Shirt Earned Jason Mortensen - $52.12
  31. T-Shirt Earned Bryce Niebrugge - $52.12
  32. T-Shirt Earned Heather Evans - $52.12
  33. T-Shirt Earned Michael Lapinskas - $52.12
  34. T-Shirt Earned Kelly Evans - $52.12
  35. T-Shirt Earned James Kaplan - $50.00
  36. T-Shirt Earned Bill Maloney - $50.00
  37. T-Shirt Earned Arnold Parise - $50.00
  38. T-Shirt Earned Darlene Mortensen - $50.00
  39. T-Shirt Earned Shalisa Jones - $50.00
  40. T-Shirt Earned Michael Schmelter - $50.00
  41. T-Shirt Earned Dave Spittlemeister - $50.00
  42. T-Shirt Earned Sheila Showell - $50.00
  43. T-Shirt Earned Bernie Klos - $50.00
  44. Shawn Mccarter - $36.58
  45. Laarni Samaniego - $25.00
  46. Donna Stone - $25.00
  47. Jessica Worcester - $25.00
  48. Tammy Worcester - $25.00
  49. Vanessa Diaz - $20.00
  50. Christian Halvorson - $20.00
  51. Erin Liberg - $15.00
  52. Mike Worcester - $10.60
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