We’re Growing to Save Lives!

This November, grow your finest beard, mustache, goatee, or mutton chops to aid prostate cancer patients and save lives. By joining our Grow & Give campaign, you’ll help connect patients with tailored solutions that alleviate the financial burdens of their diagnosis and provide support while also distributing vital educational and awareness resources to those in need.

Grow & Give offers a fun and simple way for company teams, first responder agencies, and families to unite and take bold action against prostate cancer. Sign up your team today and inspire your network to contribute to this noble cause.

Raised: $5
Yellow Beard Silhoutte Yellow Beard Silhoutte 0% to Goal
Goal: $150,000

Grow With Us

The Hairy Truth of Prostate Cancer

With your help, ZERO is building communities of support across the country to ensure no one faces prostate cancer alone. Together, we are saving lives.


In debt relief for patients who had nowhere else to turn.


Patients received free, expert case management through ZERO360.


Individuals in local support groups, mentorship, and online communities.

Since 2016, Baird has participated in Grow & Give because it’s more than just growing a beard; it’s about growing awareness and support for those battling prostate cancer and saving lives. This initiative gives us the power to make a tangible difference, providing crucial resources and support to patients and their families. It’s our way of standing together, showing strength, and take bold action against a disease that has taken too much from too many.

- Warren Macey,
  Team Novembeard

end quote

Grow & Give Legends

Team Novembeard
Team Novembeard,
Baird Financial Services
Raised $27,857
Paul Devlin

Paul Devlin,
Team Boston Scientific

Pick Paul’s Beard Contest

Raised $13,297
Vienna Police Department
Vienna Police
Raised $3,153
Hops & Handlebars
Hops & Handlebars
Raised $2,817
Mike Dunne
Mike Dunne
Raised $7,475